Commercial Growers Newsletters

Fall 2024: Greetings from Whately!
A message from Nourse Farms CEO.
Fall 2024: Strawberry Growers Alert! Safeguarding Your Crop Amid Neo-P Disease Concerns
The strawberry propagation industry is currently navigating a challenging period due to the outbreak of Neopestalotiopsis (Neo-P). Here's what we know.
Fall 2024: Potting Plants for Resale
Potted plants can extend your selling sea- son, as they can continue to grow and be planted throughout the season, even into the fall.
Fall 2024: Strawberry Site Selection and Preparation
A key component to successful strawberry production is site selection and preparation—and there are many factors to consider when selecting and preparing your site.
Fall 2024: Harvesting Rainwater
Harvesting Rainwater at Nourse Farms Water is crucial for plant production here at Nourse Farms....
Spring 2024: Nourse's Sustainable Focus
Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey towards a sustainable future. 
Spring 2024: Five Points to Prepare
Five points to prepare to get ready for the season!
Spring 2024: Blueberry Production Ins and Outs
Known for their antioxidant-rich profile, blueberries offer increased market opportunities, adaptability to diverse climates, and an extended harvest period, making them an attractive choice for crop diversification.