Nourse Farms Strawberry Plug and Tray Plants

If you are a large commercial grower interested in discovering how strawberry plug and tray plants can elevate your production, Nourse Farms is here for you! Our innovative growing techniques are designed to optimize plant health, improve yields, and extend the growing season, helping your business thrive. Whether you’re expanding your acreage, transitioning to new varieties, or looking for sustainable growing solutions, our team is ready to collaborate with you every step of the way. Contact us at or 1-877-NFBERRY (632-3779) to learn how we can tailor a program to meet your needs and grow your business together.

What to Expect for 2025 Plug Plants

Available Varieties

Galletta (early season)
Ruby June (early season) — Limited availability
Yambu (early mid-season)
Darselect (mid-season)
Flavorfest (mid-season)
Cabot (late mid-season)
AC Valley Sunset (late season)
Malwina (very late season)
Albion (day neutral)


Quantities less than 50,000: $0.65/plug
Quantities 50,000–99,999: $0.63/plug
Quantities 100,000 and more: $0.59/plug



All Varieties except Ruby June: Weeks 32–34 (August 4–18, 2025)
Ruby June: Weeks 34–36 (August 18–September 1, 2025)
Shipping costs are calculated at the time of shipment.


70 plugs/box
4,200 plugs/pallet
One pallet minimum for shipping.


Pick up is available at our Whately, MA, and Mills River, NC locations.
There is no minimum order requirement for pick-ups.