Mapema® is a recent release from Advanced Berry Breeding (ABB) in the Netherlands. It’s the earliest variety from ABB, ripening about the same time as Polka.
Growers have experienced Mapema® to be vigorous. The berries were firm and held good size through the season. Comments were also made about its good flavor.
As we are currently sold out of many raspberry varieties, Mapema® is an excellent substitute when a primocane variety is needed.
Ripening early, it will fruit for a long season into October. Many growers in Zones 5—7 will be able to overwinter the canes to produce a floricane crop in addition.
We are highly recommending this Mapema® variety.
*Minimum order of 200 plants is required.
For detailed information about Mapema®, visit:
Contact us with any questions you may have at 413-665-2658 or