Additional Resources
USDA Extension Offices
Leaders in Berry Research. Below is a brief list of regional extension services that we have identified as being the leaders in berry research:USDA Government Extension Offices
Or write to request information:
United States Department of AgricultureCooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service1400 Independence Avenue SW., Stop 2201Washington, DC 20250-2201
Browse the USDA Local Food Directory!
Cultural Practice
Berries Northwest – Find a calendar of regional conferences, workshops, etc. Also find a pest search, pesticide guide and links to other websites for weed identification, sustainable/organic growing, food safety, and more.
Biotactics – A web site for biological, non–toxic control of spider mites by a world leader in providing Augmentative Biological Controls for spider mite pests.
Blueberry Nutrition Management in Oregon – A detailed publication by Oregon State University regarding blueberry nutrition management for commercial growers.
Cornell Extension Berry Diagnostic Tool – Excellent website with color photographs to assist in identifying potential causes of plant problems in berry crops (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, elderberry, ribes). Helpful tool for home or commercial growers, students, extension educators.
Cornell Extension Fruit Gardening – Covers climate concerns, winter protection, pest control, money and time demands, pruning, pollination, much more.
Cornell Extension Gardening Resources – Fact sheets on fruits, plus a lot of information on soil / compost, flowers, lawn, pests, much more.
Home Orchard Society – Helpful page on pruning terminology, information on growing fruit trees, berries, grapes, and more. Their mission is to help and encourage people who want to grow fruit at home through educational outreach and assistance. The site focuses on growing in the Pacific Northwest.
Integrated Pest Management - University of Connecticut – IPM sites for Field Corn, Greenhouse, Nursery, Small Fruit, Tree Fruit, Grapes, Turf, Vegetables and Weeds programs are designed to provide information to commercial interests. Homeowners may find the sites for growers useful for pest identification, but control methods are often not available to, nor practical for, homeowners. Homegrounds IPM site provides information directed to homeowners.
Michigan State University’s Master Gardener Resources – Lots of online information for new and experienced growers of fruits and vegetables including diagnostic services.
Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide (Penn State) – Detailed book addresses site selection, soil/weed/pest management, marketing, and more in strawberries, brambles, blueberries, currants and gooseberries. Book also has a notable list of supply/service resources.
Midwest Small Fruit & Grape Spray Guide 2011 – A book that tells what you need to know about disease and pest control spraying if you live in the midwest.
Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook – Book with detailed information regarding management of weeds, diseases, animal and insect pests and more in strawberries, brambles, blueberries and grapes.
Missouri Extension Service Horticulture Publications – A wide range of information for home gardeners, and commercial growers regarding growing fruits, vegetables, trees, shrubs, flowers and more. You will also find information regarding soil testing services.
New England Small Fruit Pest Management Guide – Guide from the University of Massachusetts for commercial farmers regarding pest management in small fruit crops in New England – non-chemical, chemical and IPM strategies. Fruits: strawberries, highbush blueberries, brambles, grapes.
North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association – Access to information on all aspects of growing raspberry and blackberry plants. Especially recommended resource for commercial growers. Some information is available only to those who become members - newsletters, e-mail alerts on important legislation, pesticide registrations, new resources, the opportunity to connect with growers and researchers all across North America who share your interests and concerns and more. Especially recommended resource for commercial growers.
Ohio State Yard and Garden Online Factsheets – A wide range of information for home gardeners, and commercial growers regarding growing fruits, vegetables, trees, shrubs, flowers and more. Find information about pest and weed control, soil management and pollination.
Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission – An excellent site with a lot of information for commercial and home gardeners growing raspberry and blackberry plants.
Pest Management Guide – A 2011 guide from VirginiaTech addressing: Biological Control, and Chemical Control of Strawberry Pests, Blueberry Pests and Caneberry Pests.
Principles of Pruning the Highbush Blueberry – An article on pruning highbush blueberries from the Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State Univ.
Penn State University Small – Scale Fruit Production– “Fruit Production for the Home Gardener” has been developed by the College of Agricultural Sciences as a resource for people who wish to produce fruit on a small scale (one acre or less) and who are not legally licensed to use pesticides. Includes excellent information on many small fruits as well as stone fruits and pome fruits.
Plant Disease Diagnosis and Control – This Oregon State Univ. website can help you identify and control diseases. The website has helpful photographs of diseased plants and many articles on pathogens and pesticides such as Disease Diagnosis and Control. There is information about laboratory testing for your plants if you live in the northwest.
Raspberry and Blackberry Nutritional Information – North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association excellent up – to –date information on the health and nutrition benefits of blackberries and raspberries. Additional information is available without membership including a search for farms near you, links to other resources, and recipes.
Raspberries For the Home Garden – Article by North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
Strawberries For the Home Garden – Article by University of Minnesota Cooperative Extension Service with links to the extension service website
Strawberry Insect Identification – University of Minnesota - IPM World Textbook Strawberry pest identification information including color photographs. (versión en Español)
University of Maryland Home and Garden Information Center – The University of Maryland’s Home and Garden Information Center allows you to call and ask questions about your plants and plant pests. On this page you will also find links to their entire Extension website including calendars that help you plan your fruit, vegetable and herb gardening tasks.
Commercially Related Trades
Adams County Nursery – For home gardeners or commercial fruit growers. Find a wide variety of fruit trees, orchard supplies and orchard related literature. You'll also find helpful guides for fruit tree planting and fertilizing as well as useful links and articles written by some of the most recognized fruit tree experts. – Jams & Jellies from Nourse Farms fruit. Made in small batches using Mary Graves' own recipes.
Verti-Gro – Stacking pots in vertical towers allows for very high density production in smaller spaces. Vertigrow is a source for vertical hydroponic growing supplies.
State Associations
- California Certified Organic Farmers
- California Strawberry Commission
- Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
- Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association
- Florida Strawberry Growers Association
- Illinois Specialty Growers Association
- Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation, Inc.
- Massachusetts Horticultural Society
- New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Association
- New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association
- North Carolina Strawberry Association
- Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission
- Oregon Strawberry Commission
National Associations
Ag Answers – Ag Answers provides agricultural problem-solving advice, strategies, and reminders to help Indiana and Ohio farmers better manage their crops, livestock and marketplace transactions.
American Farm Bureau Federation – Farm Bureau is the voice of agricultural producers at all levels. Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization governed by and representing farm and ranch families - united for the purpose of improving economic opportunity and social advancement.
National Berry Crops Initiative – The National Berry Crops Initiative is a partnership of industry, academia and government formed to develop a strategic plan for continued growth and sustainability of berry crop production in the United States.
North American Blueberry Council – All about blueberries. If you are a farmer, work in food service, are a teacher, or food processor, you will find useful information here.
North American Bramble Growers Association – Access to information on all aspects of growing raspberry and blackberry plants. Especially recommended resource for commercial growers. Some information is available only to those who become members - newsletters, e-mail alerts on important legislation, pesticide registrations, new resources, the opportunity to connect with growers and researchers all across North America who share your interests and concerns and more. Especially recommended resource for commercial growers. (Now: North American Raspberry & Blackberry Growers Association.)
North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association – For those involved in marketing farm-grown produce to consumers directly via farm stands, farmers markets, pick-your-own, etc., or if you are considering doing so.
North American Strawberry Growers Association – Find support and lots of information here. An association dedicated to strengthening and improving strawberry production and marketing. Members include growers, researchers, extension specialists, etc., from 40 states, 10 Canadian provinces and 15 countries.
United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association – United Fresh Produce Association is the industry's leading trade association committed to driving the growth and success of produce companies throughout the global, fresh produce supply chain.
International Associations
International Fresh-cut Produce Association – Many articles on food/produce, nutrition and diet.
Marketing / Educational
North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association – For those involved in marketing farm-grown produce to consumers directly via farm stands, farmers markets, pick-your-own, etc., or if you are considering doing so.
USDA Market News – Agricultural Marketing Service helps buyers and sellers market their perishable products in the most efficient manner. Find prices of products in U.S. and world markets connect with companies that supply foodservice products, more.
USDA Market News – Agricultural Marketing Service helps buyers and sellers market their perishable products in the most efficient manner. Find prices of products in U.S. and world markets connect with companies that supply foodservice products, more.
Massachusetts Agricultural Fairs
- Adams Agricultural Fair
- Barnstable County Fair
- Bolton Fair
- Blandford Fair
- Brockton Fair
- Cummington Fair
- Eastern States Exposition
- Franklin County Fair
- Littleville Fair
- Marshfield Fair
- Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Fair
- Middleboro Fair
- Middlefield Fair
- Spencer Fair
- Three County Fair - Northampton
- Topsfield Fair